Hamamatsu Microfocus X-ray sources

Microfocus X-Ray Sources: Their Applications and Benefits

Some types of X-ray examinations require the production of very high-resolution images to be useful. These will require X-ray sources that can generate very small focal spot sizes, typically less than 50 μm diameter. A small focal point prevents blurring of x-ray images and delivers a sharp, enlarged image. These sources are known as microfocus X-ray sources.

Applications for microfocus X-ray sources include:

  • Non-destructive inspection (2D and 3D)
  • X-ray CT
  • In-line X-ray inspection

Applicable materials that can be screened include:

  • Electronic components
  • Printed circuit board
  • Bioproduct
  • Medicine & drug
  • Metal components
  • Battery
  • Plastic component

Hamamatsu Photonics, based in Japan, are a global leader in the research, development and production of microfocus X-ray sources. They have developed a range of high-performance microfocus X-ray sources. A selection of these products are shown below:

Key Features & Benefits:

Hamamatsu’s experience in Streak camera development and production is unparalleled. They now offer a complete range of cameras and accessories for most, if not all, applications.

Features of the Streak camera family include:

  • Simultaneous measurement of light intensity on both the temporal and spatial axis (wavelength axis)
  • Superb temporal resolution of less than 0.2 ps
  • Handles anything from single event phenomena to high-repetition phenomena in the GHz range
  • Measurement ranges from X-rays to the near infrared rays
  • Ultra-high sensitivity (single photoelectron can be detected)
  • Dedicated readout system
Hamamatsu Universal streak camera

Hamamatsu Universal streak camera

Hamamatsu femto streak camera

Hamamatsu Femtosecond streak camera

The streak camera is an ultra high-speed detector which captures light emission phenomena occurring in extremely short time periods