MouseOx Plus® Small Animal Pulse Oximeter

Small Animal Pulse Oximetry

What is Pulse Oximetry?

Pulse oximetry is a technique for monitoring the level of oxygen carried to the tissues on hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells.

Since 97% of oxygen is carried on hemoglobin, pulse oximetry provides a very robust assessment of arterial oxygenation. This is fortunate, because the alternative for monitoring arterial oxygen, an indwelling arterial catheter, is highly undesirable.  In pulse oximetry, the saturation is measured directly with the use of two different wavelengths of light.


  • Anesthesia and surgical monitoring
  • Studying lung injury, shock, influenza, hypoxia and inhalation,
  • Monitoring conscious and unrestrained animals

MouseOx Plus®

The MouseOx Plus® pulse oximeter from Starr Life Sciences is the world’s first patented non-invasive vital signs monitor specifically designed for mice, rats, and other small laboratory animals.

The MouseOx Plus is clinically validated and has been used and cited in a multitude of published studies.  It provides the following measurements

  • Arterial Oxygen Saturation(SpO2)
  • Heart Rates of 90 – 900 bpm
  • Respiration Rate
  • Core emperature
  • Pulse Distention  (indicator of local blood flow and signal quality)
  • Breath Distention (surrogate for intrapleural pressure)
  • Activity (Optional)

Data acquisition systems with MouseOx Plus

MouseOx Plus® systems includes standard software for basic monitoring applications,  It provides Heart Rate, Saturation (Sp02), Breath Rate, Breath Distension and Pulse Distension.

The optional STARR-Link Analog Data Output Module for the MouseOx Plus  converts the calculated parameters to an analog voltage output.  The output voltage range is from 0 to 5v voltage output of 8 channels to output data to a Powerlab or other DAQ data collection and analysis.

Monitoring more than one animal at the same time

The multiplexer device will enable monitoring of up to 8 or up to 16 subjects off of one Mouse Ox plus.   There is the option to manually monitor each subject or set the system to auto-run for a specified amount of time per subject.

MouseOx plus logo
MouseOx Plus starr life sciences

MouseOx Plus® pulse oximeter

Optional: STARR-Link Analog Data Output Module 

What are the Key Benefits?

  • A complete system for monitoring Anesthetized & Conscious Subjects
  • Suitable for use with:
    • Animal sizes from neonatal mice through to adult rats
    • Mice, rats, and other small laboratory animals with pulse rate from 90-900 BPM such as rabbits, guinea pigs and ferrets
  • MRI compatible sensor available
  • Monitor Up To 16 Subjects
  • Non-invasive
  • Allows analogue output of the raw pulse waveform for input into other data acquisition systems

The MouseOx Plus® pulse oximeter from Starr Life Sciences is the world’s first patented non-invasive vital signs monitor specifically designed for mice, rats, and other small laboratory animals.